A 15-Minute Spiritual Growth Challenge

I love the changes of seasons in Colorado, and I adore spring. The world is alive with the hope of new beginnings and fresh starts. After long winter months, I look forward to the newness of spring and its reminder of the redeeming work of Christ.  No matter how cold and bleary our past, He makes a way for renewal and hope. Jesus reminds us, regardless of how far we feel we’ve drifted from an abiding connection to Him, that He is steadfast and longs to draw us toward spiritual growth once again. I love that.

I recall coming out of one of those hazy, blustery seasons of life, yearning for a fresh start. My connection with God seemed to hang on by a thread and I struggled to feel His nearness or discern His promptings. I was in a season of spiritual winter, to be sure.


The renewal of spring inspires me greatly. Suddenly, I feel alive and rejuvenated, ready to take on the world. More importantly, I’m ready to reprioritize my walk with Jesus—intentionally—by focusing on keys to spiritual growth. Care to join me?

Sprouting Spiritual Growth

I know what you’re thinking. We're entering one of the craziest times of year. Is this the best time to make new commitments?

Oh, my sister, yes. Yes it is. Our commitment to Christ is the most precious gift in our lives and leaving it untended will cost us dearly.  Without an abiding connection to Jesus, I struggle with feelings of isolation. I'm grumpy and unmotivated and tend to feel that my daily routine is meaningless.

But the blessings of abiding are more than we can imagine. I feel a deep sense of meaning and connection and more easily embrace the love that Jesus has for me. That helps me love others better and give more generously of myself.  One of my favorite spiritual growth quotes is by Wayne Dyer who said, "When you are spiritually connected, you are not looking for occasions to be offended, and you are not judging and labeling others. You are in a state of grace in which you know you are connected to God and thus free from the effects of anyone or anything external to yourself."

That state of grace is certainly a way I want to live, so what do you say? Are you ready to reach out and grab hold of increasing spiritual maturity?  Let’s allow our spiritual growth to sprout again and take root. We don’t have to spend hours a day pulling weeds from our spiritual gardens. Drawing close to God is a little like breathing. It’s something we do all day, every day, alongside every other activity we face.

Drawing close to God is a little like breathing. It’s something we do all day, every day, alongside every other activity we face.

A 15-Minute Spiritual Growth Challenge

Someone recently asked what is meant by spiritual growth.  It's the process of learning more about Jesus and discerning more of His presence in our lives. Spiritual growth and maturity are about developing a friendship with our Savior and learning to lean into His strength for help in every part of our day. It doesn't have to be hard or complicated. In fact, sometimes the best spiritual growth comes through small, intentional steps. 

Could you commit, say, 15 minutes a day to focused, Christ-centered activity? Maybe give up a hand of solitaire on your smartphone or choose a messy bun instead of grabbing the curling iron. I know you can find a quarter of an hour at least 5 or 6 days a week.

How Do You Achieve Spiritual Growth?

Not so long ago, I decided to read 5 Psalms and 1 Proverb each day. It took me less than 15 minutes each day. Most days I picked up my Bible and read before starting my daily to-do’s. Sometimes I read while I rocked my sleeping granddaughter or while my grandson played with his toys next to me. I’ll admit, there were a few days where I didn’t get it done, but most days I did. And you know what? Just that little bit of time in God’s Word stirred my heart and poured hope and truth into my dry, dusty heart. As they say, a little goes a long way and I’m enjoying the process again this month.

Will you accept the challenge to read 5 Psalms and 1 Proverb each day for the month of April? Let's band together and give God's Word our focus and attention for a few daily minutes.

I hope you’ll join me! If you’re up for the challenge will you let me know? Let me know on Instagram and I’ll be happy to pray for you during the journey. I know you’ll love it and the joy it brings to your jumbled life.


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