6 Inspiring Questions to Ask Before Writing Your Social Media Content
It’s not easy to come up with new content for social media posts. Simply said, it’s hard to know what to say. Social media marketing is (obviously) important as you work to promote the products and services you offer in your business. Social media channels have proven value in building awareness and trust for your brand. While it’s not easy, there is a simple hack to develop a solid posting strategy. By asking 6 questions before writing your social media content, you’ll always have a compelling message.
Developing a Strategy for Your Social Media Content
Nearly every business owner has been there, staring at her keyboard, wondering what in the world to post each day on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, or other social media channels. Content ideas don't often flow naturally. Having a predetermined strategy can be helpful, but let’s be honest. Developing an overarching strategy for your social media content can feel like a daunting task. It feels like all pressure of a single post on steroids. Suddenly you’re not thinking of one post to write, but a myriad of posts, and you find yourself wondering if it’s worth it.
How much easier could it be to manage your social media accounts when you know exactly what to say? When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, crafting the words is by far the hardest part of social media. By asking yourself key questions before you begin, you can make the process much easier. When you consider the right questions, your content will practically write itself—and be more engaging and enjoyable for your audience.
Writing Engaging Social Media Content
When you post on social media, no matter how professional you keep your posts, you’re putting a small piece of yourself out there. It’s easy to feel scrutinized each time you post. What will my friends think if I’m too business-oriented? What will my clients think if I get too personal? It feels vulnerable to publish any type of content. That vulnerability adds to the enormous pressure that we already put on ourselves when deciding what to write. Writing content that engages your audience just shouldn’t be so hard. I get it.
Our team has managed social media accounts for our clients for nearly 5 years and has established some best practices that draw followers to an interesting story. We understand that social media is a great platform to help customers know, like, and trust your brand. We also know that it’s a ton of work. That’s why it doesn’t make sense to waste energy or opportunity by putting out mediocre posts.
Creating a Memorable Social Media Strategy
There is a simple way to make sure your message is interesting and memorable to your social media followers. By taking some extra time at the front end of your planning, you’ll begin to reap great rewards with your social media activity. Imagine how it will feel when your followers begin to engage, or when they sign up for your freebie, or better yet—make a purchase. How would it boost your confidence to get DMs that thank you for sharing your wisdom and making life better for those you reach?
These are the types of results we see from social media channels week after week. And it all stems from 6 simple questions that we ask before drafting posts. The series of questions will help you draft a collection of posts and add to your overall social media content strategy. Want to know those 6 questions? Here they are:
Question 1: What do I want my followers to remember?
Social media content that rambles on without making a point will annoy and frustrate your target audience. It shows them that you have nothing meaningful to say and that reading your posts is not worth their time. Instead, when you stick to a clear main point and give them something to remember, they’ll come back and engage with your posts time and again.
Question 2: How can I help my followers overcome a problem?
By showing your followers that you understand the problem they face and that you have a plan to help them, you’ll develop loyalty and trust. Your posts will draw them into a story of their own success. Consider your own expertise and what problem you can best help them solve. Then use your social media content to show them that you’re here to help.
Question 3: How can I empathize with followers and share my credibility?
In order to guide your followers to the transformation they desire, you’ll need to show them you care. Help them see that you understand what they’re going through and that you feel their pain. Consider sharing a short personal story that paints a picture of a similar problem you’ve overcome. Mention any certifications or experience that you have that relate to the assistance you share. This will convey your expertise and make you a credible source of help.
Question 4: What is my plan to help them solve their problem?
People want to follow someone who has a plan. So, be sure to give them a 3-step plan for engaging with your brand. Now I realize there may be a lot of steps involved in your process, but summarizing them in three key steps will help your customers see how easy it is to do business with you. They’ll also begin to see their own success as just a few steps away. Step one can be your primary call to action, such as “Take my course.” Step two can be the execution phase—something similar to “Apply what you learn.” Step three is the success phase, such as, “Fulfill your dreams as a writer.”
Question 5: How will my customer’s life look better because of the solution I offer?
Here’s where you’ll really use your writing skills and show them what success will look like. If you’re helping them quit smoking, paint a picture of the money they’ll save, the weddings they’ll attend for the grandchildren, and the long life they’ll enjoy with their spouse. Don’t just tell them they’ll have success, help them envision exactly how it will look and feel.
Question 6: What action do I want my customer to take next?
Never forget to call your followers to action. What next step do you want them to take to engage with you? Do you want them to comment on your post? Ask them to do so inside your social media content. Should they visit your website? Invite them to follow the link you provide or see the link in your profile. If you want them to sign up for your course or download your freebie, give them instructions and help them along.
When you clearly call your customers to action, you’re demonstrating that you are confident in the help you provide. Asking 6 inspiring questions before you compose your social media content will help ensure that your followers will engage and deepen the trust they have for your brand. You’ll give them many reasons to keep reading your posts and to see you as a source of help. I invite you to download the printable worksheet that you can use repeatedly as you plan out our social media content. The worksheet provides room to write out your answers to these 6 helpful questions then use your answers as a tool to organize your content strategy. Download the free worksheet here.
By asking 6 questions before writing your social media content, you’ll always have a compelling message that you can also use for blog posts and other content marketing. Your followers will remember your posts and continue to think about them even after they’ve logged off. Remember to download your checklist!
You can do this!
Instead of wondering what to say in each post on different social media platforms, take some time to consider the expertise and wisdom you have to share with your followers. There’s no one on earth who can help them in your unique way. So walk through these 6 simple questions and enrich your content so that it becomes more exciting and memorable. Invite your customers into a story of their own journey to success and they’ll follow wherever you lead.