From Devotionals to Detective Tales: Where Is God When It Hurts?

The transition from writing devotionals and guides on growing businesses to stepping into the world of fiction doesn’t happen every day. Sounds like a leap, right? Actually, it felt more like stepping into a whole new universe. So, there had to be a compelling reason to do it. For me, it was to try to answer the age-old question, Where is God When It Hurts? 

Curiosity Meets Inspiration

So, why fiction? I'm usually knee-deep in Bible studies or figuring out ways to help writers and nonprofits thrive. But deep down, I've always been a bit curious about crafting stories. Then life, as it often does, threw in a twist. 

Living with someone in law enforcement (my husband, for over thirty years), you hear things. And you talk about them. Stories stick with you – the good, the bad, and the truly unsettling. Each one brought me back to a question that's probably crossed your mind, too: Where's God when horrible things happen? 

A Question That Demanded An Answer

This question wasn't just a passing thought. It was like a persistent knock at the door of my soul. Especially one case, about a young girl who faced the unthinkable alone. It haunted me. And in the midst of grappling with it, I felt God whisper, “I want you to write about this.”  

I’ll be honest: I stewed on the idea for years, seeking God repeatedly, asking what to write and how to write it. At last, an idea budded: Write a fiction story. With that idea came a confirming peace. 

The Leap into Fiction

Now, turning to fiction wasn't like flipping a switch. It was more of a slow burn, a realization that maybe, through storytelling, I could tackle some of life's biggest questions. It was my chance to explore that nagging question: Even in the worst of times, could I show that God is still our Redeemer? Even when the unthinkable happens? 

Why Fiction Can Hit Different

Here's the thing about fiction - it sneaks up on you. You start with a story; before you know it, you ask yourself the big questions. It's not just about entertainment; it's about connection, understanding, and, sometimes, finding the answers in the most unexpected places.

Redemption's Echo: More Than Just a Story

With "Redemption's Echo," I wanted to do just that. It wasn't about moving on from non-fiction but bringing everything I've learned and questioned into a new form. This story was my way of wrestling with the divine, of showing that even when we're at our lowest, there's hope. There's redemption because Jesus is our Redeemer.

Think about the stories that have touched you, the questions that have kept you up at night. Through "Redemption's Echo," I've learned that fiction has this unique power to entertain, heal, question, and ultimately show us the endless ways God works in our lives, even when we least expect it.

And maybe, just maybe, by diving into these stories, we can start to see the answers to our deepest questions reflected back at us, not with a glaring spotlight, but with the gentle touch of God’s understanding and grace.

Redemption’s Echo will be released later this year. Join the waiting list here and you’ll be among the first to receive publication updates.


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