How to Reap the Rewards of a High Converting Website—Without a Redesign

You know the feeling—that moment when you say, “we need a new website.” The life of your bank account flashes before your eyes. Developing a website can be one of the most costly investments you make in your small business. It can feel hard to justify the expense, but I have great news: There are huge benefits to a high-converting website and you don’t always need a redesign to achieve them! 


Your website should be the strongest sales tool in your business. By simply tweaking the layout and strengthening your message, it can be.

Maybe you built your website yourself, or perhaps you paid a designer thousands of dollars for it. Either way, you likely focused more intently on the look and feel of your website—colors, fonts, and images that you love—instead of its message and functionality. Few business owners write copy that helps customers understand why they need their products. Their website fails when it comes to compelling visitors to take action. That’s a problem for any business.

Your company website is more than a business card. It should do more than share information. A high converting website will motivate people to click, download, and buy. 

Imagine how it would feel to make money while you sleep. As you sit down to sip your first cup of coffee in the morning, you browse through your email. There it is a  sale notification! The smile on your face broadens and you feel a sense of confidence rising through your chest. You developed a product or service that people want. They came to you for help to overcome a problem, and you proved to yourself that you can close a sale!  All it takes is a website that converts.

What is Website Conversion?

Simply put, conversion on your website happens when a visitor takes action:

  • they click your button, 

    1. schedule an appointment, 

    2. download your freebie, 

    3. or purchase a product. 

When your website is set up to guide visitors to make a decision to do business with you, it will lead them to take the next step. Conversions are the main purpose of your website and without them, you’re missing valuable opportunities to help others.

When people don’t engage on your website, it can make you feel as if you’ve missed the mark. It leaves you wondering if you can succeed in business at all. During the most frustrating moments, you might be tempted to give up.

Instead, with just a few modifications on your website, you can grow your email list, achieve higher sales, earn credibility and finally stop the tape in your head that stirs doubt that your product is good enough. 

A High Converting Website That Doesn’t Depend on a Redesign

I’ve been there—the owner of a small business that struggled because my marketing efforts weren’t working. After creating great lead generators, I didn’t see growth in my email subscribers. I had a lovely website with no conversion strategy. I knew I offered something that could help others, and yet… crickets.

Then, I found StoryBrand. It was a game-changer for me, as it has been for thousands of other businesses around the world. Through StoryBrand, I learned simple steps that lead me to enjoy the benefits of a high-converting website. If you have the access and ability to edit your website, you can make a few changes that can lead to measurable results in your sales and business growth. 

Add A Clear Call to Action

It’s shocking to me how few businesses ask for a conversion on their website. They go through all the trouble and expense of having a website, then use it only as a means to tell people about their brand.

You cannot have a high converting website without a clear call to action—a vibrantly colored button that tells visitors what to do next.

People want to be led. When they visit your website, they have a problem. They hope you can help and are looking for you to guide them into the next steps needed to make progress. Without a clear call to action that’s shown repeatedly on your homepage, you make them feel lost, without a path to follow. 

Show How You Can Make Life Better

There is a benefit for customers when they do business with you. They will be better off when they make a purchase, read your blog, schedule an appointment, request a quote, or download your freebie. Help them see the rewards of engagement. Paint a picture of how their life or circumstance will improve. This is done most effectively with pictures of happy people and words that portray a story of success. By sharing what’s at stake, you convey your understanding of the problem they face. You can help them move away from feeling stuck and toward victory as they overcome that problem. 

State What You Do—Clearly

When visitors see your home page, they should know within 3 seconds exactly what you do. If you’re a business coach, say it clearly. Or if you’re a hairdresser, state it plainly. Don’t make the mistake of thinking they already know or that they will follow a trail of hints to discover what your brand offers. Put it out there, proudly. 

When You Need Help With Your Website Conversion Strategy

I’ll be the first to admit that when we try to work on marketing material for our own businesses, it’s hard. We’re too close, too intimately acquainted with all the details. So when we think we’re communicating clearly, there can still be some confusion. It helps to have an outsider take a look.

A website conversion strategy is one area where outside help is… well, helpful! 

If you’d like me to review your website, I’d be happy to do so. I’ll analyze it through the lens of StoryBrand’s website conversion strategy and provide you with a FREE 5-ish minute video to share my thoughts. Easy peasy. No strings attached.  Enter your information below to request your website review.

Getting feedback isn’t always fun, but it is always a gift and it’s one I’d be honored to give you as you take steps toward strengthening your website. Remember, your website should be your strongest sales tool and by conveying a message that an outsider can easily understand, it can be! 

Don’t forget to request your free website review below.

Yes! Please Review My Website!

Each step you take brings improvement for your website conversions

Instead of wondering why visitors aren’t engaging with your website, why not invest the time to ensure your message is clear and guides them through the process of doing business with you. Following the three steps above is a powerful way to start.

Every improvement you make has the potential to bring amazing results.

As your business growth coach, I’m here to help, so don’t hesitate to reach out for your free website review.


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